Issigonis M, Redkar AB, Rozario T, Khan UW, Mejia-Sanchez R, Lapan SW, Reddien PW, Newmark PA. 2022. A Krüppel-like factor is required for development and regeneration of germline and yolk cells from somatic stem cells in planarians. PLoS Biol. 20(7):e3001472.
Rozario T, Collins III JJ, Newmark PA. 2022. The good, the bad, and the ugly: from planarians to parasites. Curr Top Dev Biol. Academic Press.
Rozario T, Quinn EB, Wang JB, Davis RE, Newmark PA. 2019. Region-specific regulation of stem cell-driven regeneration in tapeworms. eLife 8:e48958.
Rozario T, Newmark PA. 2018. Prospecting for planarian pluripotency. Cell 173: 1566-1567.
Rozario T, Newmark PA. 2015. A confocal microscopy-based atlas of tissue architecture in the tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta. Exp Parasitol 158: 31-41.
Other publications from TR
Rozario T, Mead PE, DeSimone DW. 2014. Diverse functions of kindlin/fermitin proteins during embryonic development in Xenopus laevis. Mech Dev 133: 203-217.
Rozario T, DeSimone DW. 2010. The extracellular matrix in development and morphogenesis: A dynamic view. Dev Biol 341: 126-140
Rozario T, Dzamba B, Weber GF, Davidson LA, DeSimone DW. 2009. The physical state of fibronectin matrix differentially regulates morphogenetic movements in vivo. Dev Biol 327: 386-398.
Martins-Taylor K, Sharma U, Rozario T, Holmes SG. 2011. H2A.Z (Htz1) controls the cell-cycle-dependent establishment of transcriptional silencing at Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomeres. Genetics 187: 89-104.
Hickman M, McCullough K, Woike A, Raducha-Grace L, Rozario T, Dula ML, Anderson E, Margalit D, Holmes SG. 2007. Isolation and characterization of conditional alleles of the yeast SIR2 gene. J Mol Biol 367: 1246-1257.